DeepChek® Assay Whole Genome RSV Genotyping


For Research Use Only (RUO). Not for use in diagnostic procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease.

The DeepChek Assay Whole Genome RSV Genotyping is a reverse transcriptase (RT) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test (nucleic acid technique (NAT)) intended to screen the RSV mutations.

The test is amplifying, in one step, the whole genome of the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) specimens for subtypes A and B, including the F protein area of interest which covers the major variant substitutions.

The DeepChek Assay Whole Genome RSV Genotyping is intended for use by trained laboratory personnel specifically instructed and trained in the techniques of RT-PCR and next generation sequencing (NGS) workflow.


Type Specification
Input sample type
Upper respiratory specimens
Library Preparation
DeepChek® NGS Library Preparation (24 / 48 /96 /384 samples)
DeepChek® Adapters (24 / 48 /96 /384 indexes)
Sequencing technologies
Illumina® iSeq 100, MiniSeq *, MiSeq *, NextSeq *, Thermofisher ® S5*, PGM*, Oxford Nanopore® MinIon *, Gridion ▪ Capacity to pool RSV NGS libraries with other DeepChek ® NGS libraries (i.e.: HIV, SARS CoV 2, HCV, HBV, 16s RNA…)
Turnaround time
From sample to analysis and interpretation report, the total time for 24 samples is about 29 hours when using the ABL DeepChek® NGS Library Preparation V3
Kit content
Multiplex RT PCR master mix, Multiplex Primer Mix
Related analyses
Polymorphisms characterization
Nirsevimab resistance assessment
Targeted genes
NS1 / NS2, N, P, M, SH, G, F, M21 / M22, L
Current relevant mutations covered
I64T (protein F) ▪ K68E (protein F) ▪ I206M (protein F) ▪ N208S (protein F) ▪ Q209R (protein F)
Data analysis
MicrobioChek ® software : Push button system available through Cloud (HDS) or local installation

Ordering Information

Product Reference
DeepChek® Assay Whole Genome RSV Genotyping
MicrobioChek® – Software (RSV Whole Genome) License


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